Customer Service Blog Newsletters JUNE 2018

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Customer Service Blog Newsletters 
JUNE 2018

Customer Service Training
Training your staff to provide better customer service is a great way to not only retain current customers but also have them refer others to your business and also ensure they stay happy with the service or products they are purchasing. This training covers aspects of effective communication, dealing with difficult people and effective customer service techniques that are tried and true in many different industries. Secure and book your session today in Perth, Adelaide, Darwin, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney and all around Australia.

Owners of Marketo, Vista Equity Spouses, take majority stake in Integral Advertisement Science
Adtech confirmation service Integral Advertisement Science has sold a majority stake in the business to US investment firm Vista Equity Partners, the owners of Marketo, both companies announced overnight. Investment Can Enable Continued Development and Support to IAS Customers Globally

Entry-level jobs becoming harder to land
Financially healthy retailers are now seeking a new kind of worker, one with a good deal more skills ahead. Asia Thomas understood she was in a disadvantage. It had been 16 years since she stopped work at McDonald&aposs to raise her children. When she left, restaurants didn&apost possess kiosks to take orders, people didn&apost use smartphones to cover, and job seekers did applications on paper. "Things have changed," said Thomas, who resides in Baltimore. "And there certainly were a lot of things I forgot."

5 Best Customer Service Articles For the Week of June 4, 2018
5 Top Customer Service Articles For the Week of June 4, 2018 5 Best Customer Service Articles For the Week of June 4, 2018 Every week I read lots of customer support and customer experience articles from various resources. Here are my top five picks from last week. I have added my comment about each guide and would like to hear what you think too.

4 Ways to Stay Ahead of Millennial Expectations with Client Experience - Client Think
By Lindsay Sykes. There's no shortage of tales about how millennials are dividing their path through the work force, to how they are influencing technology, and their impact on the economy. Over the past several years, we have seen a steady increase in what has been...

KPI of the Day -- Client Service:% Customer calls answered in the initial moment
Measured the rate at which clients calls are being answered during the very first minute.
To signify that the promptness in answering calls, as having to wait too long to get calls to be answered may impact lead conversion and customer satisfaction.
The speed of answer, as related to customer requirements, may have a strong impact on consumer satisfaction, call handling times, abandonment rates, first call resolution rates and nonetheless, on the operational expenses of the call center dealing with inbound customer requests.
As significant as it is to answer a call as quickly as possible, it's occasionally the longest telephone wait...

 Client Support training is an essential step for anybody in a Customer Service function.  Your business productivity is important to your shareholders and also to your clients.  Your imagination is the only limit you have.  Improving skills will only make your group function better.  Search for ways to grow throughout your professional experience.

 Learning is a constant process.  Sick days cost companies millions annually, so a healthy workplace is crucial.  Become convinced by getting out of your comfort zone a bit every day.  Without customer support, there are no customers and without customers, there's absolutely no business.  Learning how to lead your staff is important for development and motivation of your employees.